Archive for the ‘Life’ Category


and I feel lucky….

The importance of meeting and interacting with smart people is highly understated. One get immense influence of such people’s with their tiniest interaction.

I recently get the opportunity to have a conversation with such, one of the more enlightened person. We came up discussing about the some business process, and I got some information from him, in which I saw an exciting opportunity and idea and as he said, “Its all about capitalizing on the opportunity, as it present itself”

About the idea, I will hopefully write soon… 🙂

Till then….. So long 🙂

Success- How does one get it !!?

I always wonder what makes people successful ? I dont know if such ‘Formula’ exists. I have seen this world,well not much. 20 years are too less to know any thing about this world. but i always get the feeling(from what i have seen) that most deserving people are not always the most successful ones, sucess eludes them from one reason or another. what could it be?? Continue reading